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Aims and Objectives

Based on principles of freedom, openness, harmony and excellence, the department’s basic ideas focus on good academic atmosphere and sound institution regulations. More important, the department aims at cultivating high-quality workforce for public affairs and policy research with local and international perspectives.
As a department emphasizing inter-disciplinary knowledge utilization, the department makes every effort to pursue the combination of arts and humanities and social sciences, including political science, economics, legal research, sociology, and psychology. In addition to the integration of theory and practice, the department develops researches of policy sciences and public governance by studying globalization and regionalization, in an era of post-globalization.
While National Dong Hwa University, as a prestigious university in East Taiwan, invariably plays its pivotal role by connecting between the central government in Taipei and Hualien County, the NDHU and this department thus provide extensive courses of local issues research and local public servants’ training.
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